Woran sie sich erinnern

The things they remember


WORAN SIE SICH ERINNERN_Poegehaus_2014_14_web

WORAN SIE SICH ERINNERN_Poegehaus_2014_06_web



















In 2014 four persons living in Leipzig were asked about their biographies and personal memories. Born between 1928 an 1931 they grew up in National Socialism and were shaped by that in different ways. The core issues of their stories are the solidarity and political resistance. Those issues are crucial for the witnesses when talking about their family or political background, the National Socialist time period, WW 2nd and the Shoah.

Their stories too show how important the end of the war and the time after 1945 were for the biographies of the former youths. Another important topic in the conversations was the question of memory itself and how the victims of the NS where memorized in the GDR.



Directors: Luise Marbach and Susanne Knoll

Image: Kathrin Lemcke, Stefanie Schröder, Carola Rodriguez Sanchez

Sound: Luise Marbach, Susanne Knoll, Johannes Krause

Support: Nils Nadrowski, Franziska Stübgen

Editing: Luise Marbach, Susanne Knoll, Kathrin Lemcke