Informelles Seminar
Wütende Frauen
7. – 9.11.2014, Burg Giebichenstein, Halle Saale
Südflügel, Seebener Str. 1, 06114 Halle (Saale)
Q.[art] – what the ar_t?!
Exhibition.September/October 2013
An exhibition of queer art.
Art that’s not square, that shows the perverted normality, that tells you with an ironic smile on its lips: it’s not like that, my friend! It’s different than you thought. Art with a special focus on queer feminism, sexism and trans*identity. An exhibition that shows diverse positions both in content and in media.
Artists: Dorothée Zombronner, Jennifer Kurbjuweit, Anselm Skogstad, Simone Brühl, Silas von Wymeringhausen and Lennart Kudla.
Curated by Gruppe Q.[art]: Lukas Wronsik, Daniela Schönemann, Kathrin Lemcke